Sunday, January 16, 2011

Feel Like a Kid in a Candy Store

My friend Arielle is known for bringing top-notch treats to parties and this past Halloween when she came to my apartment was no exception.  From what I can recall, she brought pastel white chocolate mint kisses, gummy chicken feet, pumpkin fudge, Chupa Chups Lollipops, massive gummy bears and my roommate Liz's personal favorite: Katja Gevulde Aardbei Sticks (dutch filled strawberry sticks)!

Are you wondering, "Where did Arielle find such exotic and tasty candy in New York?" 
The answer is: The Sweet Life candy store on the Lower East Side.  The smell of chocolate and abundance of colorful candy is sure to make you feel like a kid again within seconds of entering the shop.  There are so many different varieties (such as homemade massive peanut butter cups, chocolate dipped pretzels, marshmallow pops, jelly beans, various candy fruit slices and more) from all different countries, it is hard to know where to begin and when to stop!

The Sweet Life
63 Hester Street (at Ludlow Street) (map)
Mon - Fri 10am - 6:30pm
Sat & Sun 11am - 6pm


  1. This place reminds me of one of my favorite places from childhood....the brewster general store in cape cod. I used to always get candy buttons, the only problem is you always end up eating the paper that gets stuck to the buttons. Well at The Sweet Life, they have jumbo candy buttons - the extra weight makes it easier to detach from the paper - so you get more candy and less paper!

    Great post - keep them coming!

  2. Great post! :)
    Makes me want to go back there for more candy goodness.... mmm that pumpkin fudge was so yummy! I'll have to try the giant dots as well...

  3. mmm im sad I missed it, but I had a great saturday so its all good.


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